Federal Funding for Sustainable EV Charging and Energy Resiliency March 17, 2021
The federal government is investing billions in electric vehicle charging infrastructure through grant funding programs. Is your government organization prepared to secure your fair share of funds?
Join us for an informational webinar on Wednesday, March 17, 10 am PT / 1 pm ET with Beam CEO Desmond Wheatley and Amanda Wood Senior Government Relations Consultant to learn about the various federal grant funding programs available for the EV ARC™ off grid EV charging and emergency power asset!
You will learn about:
• How to navigate the funding process step by step
• Best practices for winning applicants
• Available and upcoming funding programs
• EV ARC™ system for EV charging, emergency preparedness and energy resiliency
• Build Back Better 4-year plan for 500,000 EV charging sites
We look forward to sharing these high value insights with you!
Meeting Recording: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/kujgOtDYPGxGjtsGj4uze_ttCu_sHku8GWLS0NEriw6J0D80UmmBkfK0rSMiFxx9.6uoe6XZEUtKZ-G-5
View the Presentation HERE