Our Customers Have a Lot to Beam About...
“I’m always looking to stay on the edge of innovation in sustainability. Our clients focus on high standards for sustainability, low impact to nature and preservation and conservation of area species. The Beam solution will allow Construction Art to deploy EV charging and electricity quickly and without disrupting the area’s environment,” said Art Krebs, CEO of Construction Art. “Beam’s EV ARC is the perfect solar power solution. We can achieve a zero-emission transportation footprint at all Eco Tourism Destinations, and because deployment requires no added construction, no electrical work and no permitting, it helps us keep the project on time and on budget.”
Art Krebs
Construction Art - CEO of Construction Art
“The City of Walla Walla is excited to add the EV ARC solar-powered charging station as part of the City’s Fleet Electrification and Emergency Preparedness programs to fuel our fleet vehicles with emissions free off-grid energy. The systems have the added capability to power a variety of essential functions in the event of an emergency and power grid disruptions,” said Matt Edwards, Fleet Operations Manager for the City of Walla Walla. “We needed a solution located at the City Service Center to support both of these important programs, and with the ability to relocate the EV ARC when needed, this was the perfect option for the City’s overall readiness.”
Matt Edwards
The City of Walla Walla - Fleet Operations Manager
“The City of Goleta is having the EV ARC solar-powered EV charger deployed at City Hall for public charging, advancing our goal to have our municipal facilities powered by 100% renewable energy by 2025,” said Goleta Mayor Paula Perotte. She added, “Our city has made providing safe, reliable, affordable energy alternatives a priority for our community. This is another important step on our path toward both achieving sustainable energy and combating climate change.”
Paula Perotte
City of Goleta - Goleta Mayor Paula Perotte
“San José has always been a visionary city when it comes to sustainability. We have a goal to operate all-electric, zero-net-carbon new municipal facilities,” said Walter Lin, Public Works Deputy Director of the City of San José. “City fleet vehicles can charge sustainably and cost-effectively with the Beam EV ARC™ solar electric vehicle charging systems bringing the city that much closer to achieving our clean energy future.”
Walter Lin
City of San José. - Public Works Deputy Director
“We are proud to offer the first Beam EV ARC solar-powered charging system in West Virginia at the Eastern West Virginia Regional Airport. The EV ARC solar EV charging station supports the electrification of airport vehicles while offering local visitors and regional travelers zero emission electric vehicle charging,” said Nicolas Diehl, CEO of Eastern West Virginia Regional Airport. “We were able to quickly deploy an EV charger with no disruptive construction, no costly electrical work and no additional utility expenses. We are thrilled to have our staff and visitors driving on sunshine.”
Nicolas Diehl
Eastern West Virginia Regional Airport - CEO of Eastern West Virginia Regional Airport
“By offering high-tech, off-grid solutions for electric vehicle charging like the EV ARC, cities like Lompoc can help minimize our impact on the electric grid,” said Lompoc Mayor Jenelle Osborne. “I hope we see more cities and communities begin to adopt similar clean, renewable energy technologies in the years to come.”
Jenelle Osborne
City of Lompoc - Lompoc Mayor Jenelle Osborne
“The charger deployment helps us support our employees and represents a key part of DENSO’s future vision: helping society become greener and safer through innovative technology,” said Mark Moses, vice president of Electrification Systems at DENSO. “We’re doing this by reducing the environmental impact of our manufacturing operations, of the energy we use and of the products we produce. Beam’s technology contributes to these efforts, providing a sustainable solution that helps protect our local communities and the planet.”
Mark Moses
DENSO - Electrification Systems at DENSO
“The Volvo CE line of zero-emissions construction equipment can now be charged with a zero-emissions energy source provided by the EV ARC. Beam Global shares our vision to electrify mobility worldwide, a critical step towards mitigating climate change and reducing noise and air pollution,” said Ray Gallant, VP Product Management and Productivity at Volvo CE. “The construction industry is ready for an energy transition that reduces emissions and improves machinery’s performance, longevity and usability. We’re committed to an electric future and view Beam Global as a strategic partner on this journey.”
Ray Gallant
Volvo CE - VP Product Management and Productivity
“We provide the most advanced, cost-efficient and proven energy management program in the material handling industry. To achieve this level of excellence, we use Beam Global AllCell energy storage solutions in select UgoWork products due to their industry leading safety, energy density and power density,” said Philippe Beauchamp, CEO at UgoWork. “Reducing the supply-chain carbon footprint is a mission here at UgoWork, and high energy density power helps our customers improve operating efficiency while reducing green-house gas emissions.”
Philippe Beauchamp
UgoWork - CEO
“We evaluated the requirements of the U.S. Army and determined that the Beam Global EV ARC systems offered the best solution to meet the Army’s challenging off-grid EV charging requirements,” said TechFlow COO Mark Carter. “We look forward to working with the Beam Team on the rapidly deployed off-grid systems to power the fast-growing federal fleet of EVs for years to come.”
Mark Carter
TechFlow - COO
“We are thrilled to be bringing the EV ARC to Grand Ronde so our employees and community members can charge their electric vehicles. Finding an electric vehicle charging solution that requires no construction and no electrical grid hassle felt like a breakthrough for us,” said Ryan Webb, Engineering and Planning Manager at The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde. “We can now get EV charging to our rural community much cheaper and faster than if we opted for a grid-tied solution.”
Ryan Webb
The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde - Engineering and Planning Manager
“The EV ARC systems’ off-grid capabilities eliminate the need for costly infrastructure upgrades and allow us to quickly deploy charging stations wherever they are needed most,” said Jimmy Kim, General Manager at the City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks. “This flexibility allows our recreation and parks fleet vehicles to remain powered and ready to serve our community. We are excited to have more of our parks’ clean vehicles powered by 100 percent renewable energy so we can drive on sunshine.”
Jimmy Kim
Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks - General Manager